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ARIZONA COMMISSION FOR THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING (ACDHH) -- serving Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind with referrals concerning Family Services, Interpreters, Telecommunications, Education, Mobility, Housing, and others. Website:
ARIZONA ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF (AZAD) -- an advocacy organization promoting access and welfare for the benefit of deaf and hard of hearing residents of Arizona. Website:
APACHE ASL TRAILS (AAT) -- provides accessible and affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households for the benefit of deaf and hard of hearing residents. Website:
VALLEY CENTER OF THE DEAF (VCD) -- for interpreting & client services serving the Greater Phoenix Area. Website:
COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM FOR THE DEAF (COPD) -- for interpreting & client services serving primarily in the Greater Tucson Area. Website:
PHOENIX ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF (PAD) -- works toward social community service and common interests of the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind community. It also promotes social activities at the Phoenix Deaf Community Center (PDCC). Facebook:
TUCSON DEAF COMMUNITY CENTER (TDCC) -- promotes social activities for deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Contact COPD for additional information. Website:
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