2014 Oktoberfest Sponsors
Copper Sponsors
Nickel Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Arizona Commission
for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Richard and Lucretia Bonheyo
Dave and Penny Herbold
Bob and Patricia Herbold
Alvin and Donna Leff
Natalie Ludwig and Jeff Alloway
Tom and Penny Posedly
Julian and Bernice Singleton
Gerry Van Guilder and Jill Hornburg
Gold Sponsor:
- Recognition as a Sponsor on ADSCC Website
- VIP Recognition
- Donation will go to the expenses and/or fund
- Invitation to Private Reception
- Booth in the Ballroom
- 8 Complimentary Dinners
- Your name/logo will be on full page ad
in the program book
Silver Sponsor:
- Recognition as a Sponsor on ADSCC Website
- VIP Recognition
- Donation will go to the expenses and/or fund
- Invitation to Private Reception
- Booth in the Ballroom
- 6 Complimentary Dinners
- Your name/logo will be on half page ad
in the program book
Bronze Sponsor:
- Recognition as a Sponsor on ADSCC Website
- VIP Recognition
- Donation will go to the expenses and/or fund
- Invitation to Private Reception
- Booth in the Ballroom
- 4 Complimentary Dinners
- Your name/logo will be on quarter page ad
in the program book
Nickel Sponsor:
- Recognition as a Sponsor on ADSCC Website
- VIP Recognition
- Invitation to Private Reception
- 4 Complimentary Dinners
- Your name/logo will be on 1/8 page ad
in the program book
Copper Sponsor:
- Recognition as a Sponsor on ADSCC Website
- VIP Recognition
- Invitation to Private Reception
- 2 Complimentary Dinners
- Your name/logo will be placed on the list
in the program book
Under $100
- Donation will be used for prizes
$100 to $500
Donation will be used for
Silent Raffle auction
$100 to $500
Donation will be used for
Silent Raffle auction
$500 and UP
Donation will be used for
live auction
Additionally, your donation
will be recognized in the
auction book
All donors will be recognized with their donation.